The Mighty Avocado

We’re loving that this delicious, rich thing is actually healthy for our bodies.

Sure, it contains a sizeable amount of fat, but get this - it’s a good fat, specifically the Omega 3 fatty acid, that actually helps our bodies to burn more fat.

Leave it to ripen for a few extra days and the delightful flesh takes on the consistency and texture of butter. It’s not the real thing, but it sure comes very close, and for this reason, many vegan cake recipes actually include it as a key ingredient that promises an extra creamy oomph.

We’ve recently found a new use for it, and this dish is truly a dream. Blend a ripe avocado to get a luscious paste, then toss it up with cooked pasta. Add any accompanying ingredients - our favourite combination is corn kernels with cherry tomatoes - and you’ve got yourself a fuss-free meal!


On a hot day when it’s too exhausting to stay in the kitchen, make a nutrient-packed midday snack by mashing an avocado, then stir in some tomatoes and chopped onions. Use as a dip for toasted bread or chips, or better yet, eat it on its own. A fantastic dish, with zero cooking.

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1 comment

Hi Hilarie, I just wanted to say that I’m a great fan of your writing. This post has taught me the intricacies of avocado. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I head out for a salad.

Cheers and stay frosty


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