Looking Back at 2013

As October comes to an end and Christmas is just around the corner, 2013 will be history in the blink of an eye. What is the most exciting or moving thing you've done this year? No, it doesn't have to be something incredible or something that will impress all your peers. However, it has to be something that made your heart sing, or made you realize that you're one tough cookie or even made you struggle and grow in the process.

At Lark and Peony, we look back on 2013 and realize how grateful we are for making a tiny difference in all the lives of the people we've come into contact with. From thoughtful emails about how much they loved a piece they bought, to frenzied emails about how someone needed a dress the very next day for a wedding. We handled all these interactions with relish, even sizing issues and even hearing about some customers becoming moms (that truly made our hearts sing), it made us thankful for your patronage because without you, the customer, we would have no one to design for and quite honestly, that's what we live for. Sharing our ideas and merging them with your requests to create something that we're proud to call our own (with your help of course!)

So as we enter a new year, a year of new beginning and fresh experiences, we hope that you'll stick around and grow with us. We might not be perfect but we strive to make every day a meaningful one and one where we look back and smile. Keep a journal going forward or even a photo a day of things that made you smile and when you look back, you'll thank God or the universe for making your life so imperfectly perfect or perfectly imperfect. Whatever floats your boat :)

Finally, this rant is coming to an end, do make plans for 2014 but enjoy right now and don't forget about the less fortunate in the upcoming festive season. It doesn't have to be the poor and destitute, it could also be a friend in need of a hug or a broken relationship in need of mending.


Always at your Service in Love, Light and Gratitude,

L A R K & P E O N Y


 P.S. Our favourite moment from 2013 is pictured above (yes, there may be a Top 5 favourite moments list in our next post!), when Toby the resident dog at Lark and Peony experienced snowfall for the first time in Tokyo. He wasn't too pleased but hey, it might be different next year ;)

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