Lark and Peony came together through a kaleidoscope of dreams, trial and error, fear of failure, experimentation and finally, an unquenchable thirst to create objects that would provoke happiness in individuals I had never met. I began my first foray into fashion before I left school. Those early days, no matter how unfocused they were, saw the beginnings of an unprocessed love for ethnic-inspired designs.
Living and studying in Melbourne nurtured my dreams further but I was eventually lulled into the seduction of a ‘proper job’. I never took the plunge until finally moving to Tokyo in January 2012. Japan opened my eyes to the world of design and subtle beauty and for that I am eternally grateful.
Our customer base has grown rapidly and along with that growth came the most wonderful friendships. Beautiful messages from generous souls constantly encouraged me to keep on designing with my eyes and heart wide open and my feet firmly planted to the ground.
With the support of my small but incredible team, I look forward to designing something that you love and that you'll keep for a long time to come.
Always at your service in Love and Light,